在 C++ 中共享相同名称的类和命名空间

2022-01-14 00:00:00 class symbols namespaces c++


Let's say I have a class called 'foo' in namespace "abc"...

namespace abc {
     class foo {
         int a;
         int b;


...and then say I have another class called "abc" in a different namespace

#include "foo.h"

namespace foo {
    class abc {
        abc::a = 10;

abc::a 不会是已定义类型,因为它将搜索类 abc,而不是命名空间 abc.我将如何正确引用另一个命名空间中的对象,其中另一个命名空间与我所在的类具有相同的名称?

abc::a would not be a defined type, because it would be searching class abc, not namespace abc. How would I go about properlly referencing an object in another namespace, wherein that other namespace had the same name as the class I'm in?



You can use ::abc::xx, that is, identify the variable or type as its absolute namespace path. If you don't specify an absolute name, relative names start going upwards in the including namespaces/classes.
