将#include 包装在命名空间块中是个好主意吗?

2022-01-14 00:00:00 namespaces include c++

我有一个 C 头文件,它被编写为同时编译为 C 和 C++(它只使用公共子集中的功能,并使用 extern "C" 东西).

I have a C header that was written to compile as both C and C++ (it only uses features from the common subset, and uses that extern "C" thing).


Problem is, that header declares stuff in the global namespace. I'd rather avoid that for the usual reasons. I thought about doing this:

namespace foo {
#include <foo.h>


Is doing this a good idea? Do I have alternatives that don't include editing the header file?


不,这是个坏主意.使用 C++ 声明,可能会引入链接器错误,因为标识符在错误的命名空间中声明.使用 C 声明,它可以工作,但它可能会隐藏全局命名空间中标识符之间的冲突(我猜你试图避免这种冲突),直到链接时间;它并没有真的将标识符放在命名空间中.

No, it’s a bad idea. With C++ declarations, it's likely to introduce linker errors as identifiers get declared in the wrong namespace. With C declarations, it works, but it may hide clashes between identifiers in the global namespace (which you were trying to avoid, I guess) until link time; it doesn't really put the identifiers in a namespace.

更好的办法是将您自己的标识符放在命名空间中,避免在全局名称中定义除 main 之外的任何内容.

A better idea would be to put your own identifiers in a namespace and avoid defining anything but main in the global one.
