为什么 -2147483648 和 (int)-2147483648 不同

2022-01-14 00:00:00 integer overflow c++

当我在Windows7 x64下运行以下代码,使用MinGW的GCC编译时,结果似乎下溢:

When I run the following code under Windows7 x64, compiled with GCC of MinGW, the result seems to be underflowed:

cout<<-2147483648 ;    //Output: 2147483648

但是当我将它分配给一个整数变量时,或者只是将它转换为 int 类型:

but when I assigned it to a integer variable, or just simply convert it to the int type :

cout<<(int)-2147483648 ; //Output: -2147483648 


So, what's wrong with the previous version of my code? Istn't it the type int? or what the lower bound the Integer is exactly? Many thanks.


2147483648 在您的系统上不适合 int 或 long,因此它被视为 unsigned long 类型的常量.(正如 ouah 在评论中指出的那样,它在标准 C++ 中是未定义的行为,但您的编译器将其作为扩展接受.)对无符号整数值取反是可能的,但会产生另一个无符号整数值,而不是负数.否定 2147483648UL 会产生 2147483648UL(假设与您的系统一样,unsigned long 是 32 位类型).

2147483648 doesn't fit into an int or a long on your system, so it's treated as a constant of type unsigned long. ( as ouah pointed out in the comments, it's undefined behaviour in standard C++, but your compiler accepts it as an extension.) Negating an unsigned integer value is possible, but results in another unsigned integer value, never a negative number. Negating 2147483648UL produces 2147483648UL (assuming, as is the case on your system, that unsigned long is a 32 bit type).

将其转换为 int 会产生实现定义的结果,通常是您看到的结果,但不一定.你可以通过写-2147483647 - 1得到你想要的结果而不需要任何转换.

Casting that to int produces an implementation-defined result, commonly the result you see, but not necessarily. You can get the result you want without any conversions by writing -2147483647 - 1.
