Qt 自动化测试
他们怎么能做到这一点?有 Qt 检查库吗?标准窗口间谍工具在某些领域有效,但其他重要领域(例如列表视图中的列表项)无法通过 Windows 消息进行检查.
How would they have been able to do that? Is there a Qt inspection library? Standard window spy tools work in some areas, but other important areas (such as list items in a list view) are not inspectable through Windows messages.
我知道有 QtTest 框架,但我想要的是可以访问整个应用程序的东西,以便我可以进行自动化集成测试.
I know there's the QtTest framework, but what I'd like is something that can access an application as a whole so that I can have automated integration testing.
正是自动化 UI 所需要的.然后将与任何 UI 自动化软件一起使用,我现在了解到这些软件显然使用了辅助功能 API.
Exactly what is needed to automate a UI. Will then work with any UI automation software, which I've now learned apparently uses the accessibility API.