ATL 简单对象向导 - “对象 Xxx 已存在"错误

我正在尝试使用 Visual Studio 2005 中的 ATL 简单对象向导在我的 DLL 中创建一个新的 COM 对象.

I am attempting to create a new COM object in my DLL using the ATL Simple Object Wizard in Visual Studio 2005.


I enter the short name for the object, and all of the other fields are derived.


However, when I click Next in the wizard, the following error message comes up:

Object 'IXxxInterfaceName' already exists

我在整个解决方案中搜索了对 IXxxInterfaceName 的所有引用,但在任何地方都看不到它的定义.

I have searched my entire solution for all references to IXxxInterfaceName and can't see it defined anywhere.


How is the wizard determining that it exists already?


我从来不知道为什么向导确定对象名称已经存在 - 我猜有些东西缓存在我无法追踪的地方.

I never found out why the wizard determined that the object name existed already - I'm guessing something was cached somewhere that I couldn't track down.


最后,我在创建它时在接口名称的末尾附加了一个 2 以允许添加它.然后我用 IXxxInterfaceName 替换了所有出现的 IXxxInterfaceName2.此后一切正常.

In the end, I appended a 2 to the end of the interface name when creating it which allowed it to be added. Then I replaced all the occurrences of IXxxInterfaceName2 with IXxxInterfaceName. Everything worked after this.


If I ever track down the root cause of this problem, I'll update the answer.
