从 com 对象返回数组

2022-01-14 00:00:00 com c++ vbscript

我想将警报名称列表从 COM 传递到 ASP 页面中使用的 VBScript.如果方法名称是 GetAlarms,那么方法的签名是什么?GetAlarms 返回的警报数量会有所不同.

I want to pass a list of alarm names from COM to VBScript used in ASP pages. If the method name is GetAlarms, What would be the signature of the method?. The number of alarms returned by GetAlarms will vary.

VBScrip 支持安全数组吗?

Does VBScrip support Safe Array?


*.idl 文件中的声明如下所示:

The declaration in the *.idl file would look like this:

[id(1)] HRESULT GetAlarms([out,retval] SAFEARRAY(VARIANT)* pAlarms);

相应的 C++ 方法如下所示:

The corresponding C++ method would look like this:

    CComSafeArray<VARIANT> alarms(3);
    CComVariant value;

    value = L"First Alarm";
    alarms.SetAt(0, value);

    value = L"Second Alarm";
    alarms.SetAt(1, value);

    value = L"Third Alarm";
    alarms.SetAt(2, value);

    *pAlarms = alarms.Detach();

    return S_OK;

最后,这是一个使用上述方法的示例 VBScript:

And finally, here is a sample VBScript that uses the above method:

Set obj = CreateObject("MyLib.MyClass")
a = obj.GetAlarms
For i = 0 To UBound(a)
   MsgBox a(i)

当然,在 ASP 中,您可以使用其他东西来代替 MsgBox.

In ASP, of course, you would use something else instead of MsgBox.
