Python-LDAP 集成

2022-01-17 00:00:00 python ldap authkit


我需要将 Python 与 LDAP 集成.我只需要选择让 Python 与 LDAP 对话的最佳方式.我知道有很多方法可以做到这一点,包括使用预构建的工具包(例如 AuthKit)或使用 LDAP 模块和函数自己编写东西.你有什么推荐的?

I need to integrate Python with LDAP. I just need to choose the best way to make Python talk to LDAP. I understand there are many ways to do this, including using a prebuilt toolkit such as the AuthKit or writing a thing ourselves with LDAP modules and functions. What do you recommend?


我已经成功使用 python-ldap 库与 LDAP 服务器和 Windows Active Directory 进行通信.您可以在此处从 pypi 下载它

I have successfully used the python-ldap library to communicate with LDAP servers and Windows Active Directory. You can download it from pypi here
