用于 C、C++ 或 Fortran 的代码抛光器/重新格式化器

2022-01-14 00:00:00 fortran c code-formatting c++

假设您有一堆由不同作者用 C、C++ 或 Fortran 编写的文件,在格式、如何注释等方面有不同的意见.我想很多人都知道这样的情况.

Suppose you have got a bunch of files written in C, C++ or Fortran, by different authors, with different opinions on formatting, how to comment, and so on. I think many people know situations like these.


Are there any free tools for ends like:

  • 统一的代码格式(缩进等)
  • 创建标准评论正文
  • 重命名变量



对于 Fortran,有 plusFORT,它可以做的比你要求的要多得多,比如重组代码和从 FORTRAN 77 翻译到 Fortran 90.见 http://www.polyhedron.com/pf-plusfort0html 和 http://www.polyhedron.com/pflinux0html

For Fortran there is plusFORT, which can do much more than what you ask for, such as reorganizing code and translating from FORTRAN 77 to Fortran 90. See http://www.polyhedron.com/pf-plusfort0html and http://www.polyhedron.com/pflinux0html
