Python 3 有 LDAP 模块吗?

2022-01-17 00:00:00 python python-3.x ldap


我正在将一些 Java 代码移植到 Python,我们想使用 Python 3,但我在 Windows 中找不到 Python 3 的 LDAP 模块.

I am porting some Java code to Python and we would like to use Python 3 but I can't find LDAP module for Python 3 in Windows.

这迫使我们使用 2.6 版本,这很麻烦,因为其余代码已经是 3.0 格式.

This is forcing us to use 2.6 version and it is bothersome as rest of the code is already in 3.0 format.



很抱歉打扰你,但我认为 Python 3 还没有 python-ldap...

Sorry to break this on you, but I don't think there is a python-ldap for Python 3 (yet)...

这就是为什么我们现在应该在 Python 2.6 上保持积极开发的原因(只要最关键的依赖项(库)没有移植到 3.0).

That's the reason why we should keep active development at Python 2.6 for now (as long as most crucial dependencies (libs) are not ported to 3.0).
