为什么这种将指针从 C++ 传递到 Fortran 的尝试不起作用?

我需要将一个动态数组从 c++ 传递到 Fortran.我做了很多研究来整理一个我认为应该有效的例子,但事实并非如此.该程序应在 c++ 程序中创建一个数组,将该数组的指针传递给 Fortran 例程,将 C 指针转换为 Fortran 指针,然后在 Fortran 端打印该数组.

I need to pass a dynamic array from c++ to Fortran. I did a lot of research to put together an example that I thought should work, but it doesn't. The program should create an array in the c++ program, pass the pointer of that array to the Fortran routine, convert the C pointer to a Fortran pointer, and then print the array on the Fortran side.

我的 c++ 主程序:

My c++ main program:

using namespace std;

extern "C" {
   void cinterface(int*,int*);

int main()
   int carray[]={0,1,2,3,4};
   int carray_siz=5;


   return 0;

我的 Fortran 例程:

My Fortran routine:

module fortmod


   implicit none


   subroutine cinterface(carray_siz,carray_ptr) bind(C)

      implicit none

      integer(c_int), intent(in) :: carray_siz
      type(c_ptr), intent(in) :: carray_ptr

      integer(c_int), pointer :: pfarray(:) => NULL()

      call C_F_POINTER(carray_ptr,pfarray,[carray_siz])

      print *, pfarray

   end subroutine cinterface

end module fortmod


gfortran -c fortmod.f90
g++ main.cpp fortmod.o -lgfortran


But when I run it, instead of printing the array values, it says:

Segmentation fault (core dumped)


I'm new to the idea of pointers, so I'm thinking I'm not understanding how they work correctly. Can you please point out why I'm getting this memory error when I run this?



From the gfortran manual:

如果指针是可互操作过程的伪参数,它通常必须是使用 VALUE 属性声明.void* 匹配 TYPE(C_PTR)、VALUE,而 TYPE(C_PTR) 单独匹配 void**.

If a pointer is a dummy-argument of an interoperable procedure, it usually has to be declared using the VALUE attribute. void* matches TYPE(C_PTR), VALUE, while TYPE(C_PTR) alone matches void**.

我的 Fortran 例程正在寻找指针的地址,而不是指针指向的地址.因此,如果我将 c++ 端修改为:

My Fortran routine was looking for the address of the pointer, not the address to which the pointer is pointing. So if I modify the c++ side to this:


extern "C" {
   void cinterface(int*,int**);

int main()
   int carray[]={0,1,2,3,4};
   int carray_siz=5;


   return 0;


re-build and re-run, I now get:

0     1     2     3     4

