
2022-01-13 00:00:00 type-conversion casting c++


Is there any difference between type casting & type conversion in c++.


一般来说,强制转换是指显式转换,不管是C风格的强制转换(T(v)还是(T)v) 或 C++ 风格的转换(static_castconst_castdynamic_castreinterpret_cast).转换通常是一个更通用的术语,用于将变量转换为另一个变量:

Generally, casting refers to an explicit conversion, whether it's done by C-style cast (T(v) or (T)v) or C++-style cast (static_cast, const_cast, dynamic_cast, or reinterpret_cast). Conversion is generally a more generic term used for any time a variable is converted to another:

std::string s = "foo"; // Conversion from char[] to char* to std::string
int i = 4.3; // Conversion from float to int
float *f = reinterpret_cast<float*>(&i); // (illegal) conversion from int* to float*
