将 unicode 转换为 char

2022-01-12 00:00:00 unicode char locale c++ c++builder

如何在 char* 或 char* const="nofollow">embarcadero c++ ?

How can I convert a Unicode string to a char* or char* const in embarcadero c++ ?


Unicode 字符串"确实不够具体,无法知道您的源数据是什么,但您可能是指UTF-16 字符串存储为 wchar_t 数组",因为这是大多数不知道正确术语的人使用的.

"Unicode string" really isn't specific enough to know what your source data is, but you probably mean 'UTF-16 string stored as wchar_t array' since that's what most people who don't know the correct terminology use.

"char*" 也不足以知道你想要定位什么,尽管也许 "embarcadero" 有一些约定.除非您另有说明,否则我将假设您需要 UTF-8 数据.

"char*" also isn't enough to know what you want to target, although maybe "embarcadero" has some convention. I'll just assume you want UTF-8 data unless you mention otherwise.

另外,我将把我的例子限制在 VS2010 中的工作

Also I'll limit my example to what works in VS2010

// your "Unicode" string
wchar_t const * utf16_string = L"Hello, World!";

// #include <codecvt>
std::wstring_convert<std::codecvt_utf8_utf16<wchar_t>,wchar_t> convert;

std::string utf8_string = convert.to_bytes(utf16_string);

这假设 wchar_t 字符串是 UTF-16,就像在 Windows 上的情况一样,否则是可移植代码.

This assumes that wchar_t strings are UTF-16, as is the case on Windows, but otherwise is portable code.
