为什么 char** 不能成为 C++ 中以下函数的返回类型?

2022-01-12 00:00:00 function c char c++ return-type

我在 C++ 中有以下函数:

I have the following function in C++ :

char** f()
    char (*v)[10] = new char[5][10];
    return v;

Visual Studio 2008 说明如下:

Visual studio 2008 says the following:

error C2440: 'return' : cannot convert from 'char (*)[10]' to 'char **'


What exactly should the return type to be, in order for this function to work?


char**char (*)[10] 类型不同.这两种都是不兼容的类型,因此 char (*)[10] 不能隐式转换为 char**.因此编译错误.

char** is not the same type as char (*)[10]. Both of these are incompatible types and so char (*)[10] cannot be implicitly converted to char**. Hence the compilation error.


The return type of the function looks very ugly. You have to write it as:

char (*f())[10]
    char (*v)[10] = new char[5][10];
    return v;


或者你可以使用 typedef 作为:

Or you can use typedef as:

typedef char carr[10];

carr* f()
    char (*v)[10] = new char[5][10];
    return v;


基本上,char (*v)[10] 定义了一个指向大小为 10 的 char 数组的指针.与以下相同:

Basically, char (*v)[10] defines a pointer to a char array of size 10. It's the same as the following:

 typedef char carr[10]; //carr is a char array of size 10

 carr *v; //v is a pointer to array of size 10


So your code becomes equivalent to this:

carr* f()
    carr *v = new carr[5];
    return v;


cdecl.org 在这里有帮助:

cdecl.org helps here:

  • char v[10] 读作 declare v as array 10 of char
  • char (*v)[10] 读作 declare v 作为指向 char 数组 10 的指针
  • char v[10] reads as declare v as array 10 of char
  • char (*v)[10] reads as declare v as pointer to array 10 of char
