
2022-01-12 00:00:00 char c++ cout
char p;
cout << &p;

这不会打印字符 p 的地址.它打印一些字符.为什么?

This does not print the address of character p. It prints some characters. Why?

char p;
char *q;
q = &p;
cout << q;


Even this does not. Why?


我相信 << 运算符将其识别为字符串.将其转换为 void* 应该 工作:

I believe the << operator recognizes it as a string. Casting it to a void* should work:

cout << (void*)&p;

std::basic_ostream 有一个专门的运算符,它接受一个 std::basic_streambuf (基本上 is 一个字符串(在这种情况下)):

std::basic_ostream has a specialized operator that takes a std::basic_streambuf (which basically is a string (in this case)):

_Myt& operator<<(_Mysb *_Strbuf)

与接受任何指针的运算符相反(当然 char* 除外):

as opposed to the operator that takes any pointer (except char* of course):

_Myt& operator<<(const void *_Val)
