用 new 分配派生类数组的问题


$ cat a.cpp 
#include <iostream>
class MyClass {
        virtual void check() {
            std::cout << "Inside MyClass

class MyClass2: public MyClass {
        int* a;
        virtual void check() {
            std::cout << "Inside MyClass2

int main() {
    MyClass *w, *v;
    w = new MyClass2[2];
    v = new MyClass2;
    std::cout << "Calling w[0].check
"; w[0].check();
    std::cout << "Calling v->check
"; v->check();
    std::cout << "Calling w[1].check
"; w[1].check();
$ g++ a.cpp
$ ./a.out 
Calling w[0].check
Inside MyClass2
Calling v->check
Inside MyClass2
Calling w[1].check
Segmentation fault

我认为可以使用 new 来分配派生类对象.此外, v->check() 似乎工作正常.

I thought it is possible to use new to allocate derived class objects. Also, v->check() seems to work fine.


w = new MyClass2[2]; 

这将创建一个包含两个 MyClass2 对象的数组.它的类型是 MyClass2[2].新表达式返回一个指向该数组初始元素的指针,然后将该指针分配给 w.

This creates an array of two MyClass2 objects. It is of type MyClass2[2]. The new expression returns a pointer to the initial element of this array and you assign that pointer to w.


这将 w 视为指向 MyClass 对象数组的指针,not 视为 MyClass2 数组对象.

This treats w as a pointer to an array of MyClass objects, not as an array of MyClass2 objects.


You cannot treat an array of derived class objects as if it were an array of base class objects. If you want to be able to use the derived-class objects, you need an array of pointers:

MyClass** w = new MyClass*[2];
w[0] = new MyClass2;
w[1] = new MyClass2;
