有哪些工具链可用于与 C++ 的持续集成?

.NET、Java 和其他语言的持续集成工具链定义相对明确,但 C++ 市场似乎有很多多样性.

Continuous Integration toolchains for .NET, Java, and other languages are relatively well defined, but the C++ market seems to have a lot of diversity.


By CI "toolchain" I specifically mean tools for the build scripts, automated testing, coding standards checking, etc.

C++ 团队为 CI 工具链使用什么?

What are C++ teams using for CI toolchains?


我们使用 Parabuild 实现了我们的 C++ 跨平台持续集成基础架构

We implemented our C++ cross platform continous integration infrastructure using Parabuild


我们能够将各种类型的 Win/Mac/Linux QA 工具与其集成,并且它非常易于安装和维护:它可以在每个平台上一键安装,并且 Web 界面非常方便.

We were able to integrate every sort of Win/Mac/Linux QA tool with it and it's really easy to install and maintain: it's one click installation on every platform and the web interface is very handy.

在评估几个持续集成服务器时,主要问题是它们偏向于 Java:另一方面,Parabuild 非常适合 C++ 跨平台开发和 QA 工作流程

While evaluating several continous integration servers the main problem was that they were Java-biased: Parabuild, on the other hand, fits well in the C++ cross platform development and QA workflow
