C 代码调用 Fortran 子程序时,子程序顶部出现分段错误

2022-01-12 00:00:00 gcc fortran gfortran segmentation-fault c++

我在文件 test-Q.cpp 中有 C++ 代码,它调用文件 getqpf.F 中的 Fortran 子例程.在文件 test-Q.cpp 中,我已将 Fortran 代码声明为外部代码,并使用 getqpf_() 名称修改约定调用该函数.gccgfortran 编译器正在 GNU/Linux 上使用.

I have C++ code in file test-Q.cpp that calls a Fortran subroutine in file getqpf.F. In file test-Q.cpp, I've declared the Fortran code as external, and I am calling the function using the getqpf_() name-mangling convention. The gcc and gfortran compilers are being used on GNU/Linux.

这是 C++ 文件顶部的片段:

Here is a snippet from the top of the C++ file:

extern "C" {
            void  getqpf_  (double *tri, 
                    int nsamp, 
                    int lwin,
                    int nfreqfit, 
                    double dt, 
                    float null, 
                    int L2,
                    double df,
                    double *qq, 
                    double *pf, 
                    double *ampls, 
                    double *work1, 
                    double *work2, 
                    double *work3, 
                    double *work4,
                    int mem, 
                    int morder, 
                    int nfs, 
                    double *xReal, 
                    double *xImag, 
                    double *xAbs,
                    double *x1,
                    int cen,
                    int top,
                    int bot, 
                    float cut,
                    int nfst,
                    int raw);  

        } // end

这是来自 Fortran 文件的相应片段:

Here is a corresponding snippet from the Fortran file:

   subroutine getqpf (tri, nsamp, lwin, nfreqfit, dt, null, L2, df,
     1                   qq, pf, ampls, work1, work2, work3, work4,
     2                   mem, morder, nfs, xReal, xImag, xAbs, x1,
     3                   cen,top,bot, cut,nfst,raw)

      integer  morder, lwin, nsamp, nfreqfit, delay, nfs

      real     tri(*)
      real     qq(*), pf(*), ampls(*)

      real * 8 work1(*), work2(*), work3(*), work4(*)
      real * 8 xReal(*), xImag(*), xabs(*), x1(*)

      real * 8 dt8, cut8, df8
      real     null, cut
      integer  nfst
      logical  mem, L2, cen, top, bot, raw

      integer nf

C program logic code starts here
          nf = nfreqfit
          delay = 0
          dt8  = dt
          cut8 = cut

Fortran 代码调用其他 C 代码函数.在使用 gfortrangcc 编译器的 GNU/Linux 上,我按以下方式编译并链接了所有文件:

The Fortran code calls other C-code functions. On GNU/Linux using the gfortran and gcc compilers I've compiled and linked all of the files in the following manner:

 g++ -c test-Q.cpp -I./boost/boost_1_52_0/ -g
 gcc -c paul2.c -g
 gcc -c paul2_L1.c -g
 gcc -c paul6.c -g
 gcc -c paul6_L1.c -g 
 gcc -c fit_slope.c -g
 gfortran -c getqpf.F -g
 g++ -o test-Q test-Q.o paul2.o paul2_L1.o paul6.o paul6_L1.o fit_slope.o getqpf.o -g

虽然我能够成功构建二进制文件,但在 nf = nfreqfit 行出现了段错误.它位于 Fortran 文件的最顶部.在二进制文件上运行 gdb 会产生以下输出:

Although I am able to build the binary successfully, there is a segfault that occurs at the line nf = nfreqfit. This is situated at the very top of the Fortran file. Running gdb on the binary produces the following output:

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x0000000000406fd3 in getqpf (tri=..., nsamp=Cannot access memory at address 0x3e9
) at getqpf.F:44
44        nf = nfreqfit

这里发生了什么,为什么会出现段错误?似乎没有在 C++ 代码和 Fortran 代码之间正确传递内存.

What is happening here, and why is there a segfault? It appears that memory is not being properly passed between the C++ code and the Fortran code.


正如 IanH 在下面的答案中提到的,问题是由于没有通过引用传递参数.使用 C++,函数必须声明为:

As IanH mentions in the answer below, the problem is due to not passing arguments by reference. Using C++, the function must be declared as:

 extern"C" {
            void  getqpf_  (float *tri, 
                    int &nsamp, 
                    int &lwin,
                    int &nfreqfit, 
                    float &dt, 
                    float &null, 
                    int &L2,
                    float &df,
                    float *qq, 
                    float *pf, 
                    float *ampls, 
                    double *work1, 
                    double *work2, 
                    double *work3, 
                    double *work4,
                    int &mem, 
                    int &morder, 
                    int &nfs, 
                    double *xReal, 
                    double *xImag, 
                    double *xAbs,
                    double *x1,
                    int &cen,
                    int &top,
                    int &bot, 
                    float &cut,
                    int &nfst,
                    int &raw);  

        } // end 


Note the presence of the ampersands. Then, the function can be called in the code as:

getqpf_ (tri,       

注意nsamp等变量被声明为int nsamp = 1001.


在支持 MSB 关于使用 F2003 的 C 互操作性的建议时,请注意您的具体问题是通过引用传递/通过值传递不匹配(这仍然是即使在使用 C 互操作性时也必须考虑).典型的 Fortran 实现通过引用传递所有参数,而在 C(++) 中默认是按值传递.在 C++ 方面,请注意所有 int 和 float 参数以及一些 double 参数都缺少指针说明符 (*).这些参数是按值传递的――但 Fortran 方面没有任何东西可以表明这一点.在 F2003 之前,这通常是使用 Fortran 代码中的编译器特定指令来完成的.

While seconding M.S.B.'s recommendation about using F2003's C interoperability, note that your specific issue is a pass by reference/pass by value mismatch (which is still something that you have to consider even when using C interoperability). Typical Fortran implementations pass all arguments by reference, while in C(++) the default is by value. On the C++ side, note that all of the int and float arguments and some of the double arguments lack the pointer specifier (*). These arguments are passed by value - but there is nothing on the Fortran side to indicate that. Before F2003 this was usually done using compiler specific directives in the Fortran code.

使用 F2003 的 C 互操作,将参数传递给具有 BIND(C) 属性的过程的默认约定是通过引用.按值传递的参数需要在其声明中具有 VALUE 属性.

Using F2003's C interop, the default passing convention for arguments to procedures with the BIND(C) attribute is by reference. Arguments that are passed by value need to have the VALUE attribute in their declaration.
