如何将 MFC 支持添加到现有的 Win32 C++ 项目?

2022-01-12 00:00:00 visual-c++ mfc

我正在创建一个使用 Qt 创建 GUI 的 C++ 应用程序.但是,我需要使用依赖于 MFC 的第三方库(用于 CString 等).有没有办法将 MFC 添加到我的应用程序中以允许我使用这个库,还是我需要自己重写它?

I am creating a C++ application which uses Qt to create the GUI. However, I need to use a third party library which relies on MFC (for CString's, etc). Is there anyway to add MFC to my application to allow me to use this library or do I need to rewrite it myself?

我看到这个问题,但它没有告诉我如何添加MFC 手动到项目中.

I saw this question, but it doesn't tell me how to add MFC manually to the project.


如果库应用采用/返回/使用 CString,则需要与 MFC 库链接,或者 MFC 库已经静态链接.

If the library app takes/returns/uses CStrings it will need linking with the MFC libs, or will have the MFC libs already statically linked.

如果您使用的是 Visual Studio,您可以酌情勾选在静态/共享库中使用 MFC",只要您保留当前程序入口点,它就不会影响您的应用程序 GUI.

If you are using Visual studio you can just check "use MFc in static/shared lib" as appropriate, it doesn;t affect your application GUI as long as you keep your current program entry point.
