

In the following code, at the first iteration I get an exception, and at the second one I get a segmentation fault with no error message printed. It seems the exception is not caught:

int i = 0;
while(i++ < 10)
   try {
      cout << "Iteration: " << i << endl;
      // Code...
      cout << "OK" << endl;
      cerr << "Error message" << endl;

Iteration 1
Error message
Iteration 2
Segmentation fault


Is it normal, or there is something really wrong going on?

如果它应该是相关的,在那个代码块中我重置了一个 MySQL 连接,当我检查连接是否关闭时会生成异常.

In case it should be relevant, in that code block I reset a MySQL connection, and the exception is generated when I check if the connection is closed.


Linux - OpenSuse 11.4
C++ - GCC 4.5.1

Linux - OpenSuse 11.4
C++ - GCC 4.5.1
Intel Xeon


由于段错误不是(直接)由软件引起的,而是由处理器检测到您试图访问无效内存(或访问无效内存方式 - 例如写入受写保护的内存,执行不应该执行的内存等),它不是可捕获"的 try/catch,旨在捕获软件引发异常.它们都称为异常,但它们起源于系统软件/硬件的不同级别.

Since segfaults are not caused (directly) the the software, but rather by the processor detecting that you are trying to access invalid memory (or access memory in an invalid way - e.g writing to memory that is write-protected, executing memory that isn't supposed to be executed, etc), it is not "catchable" with try/catch, which is designed to catch software that throws an exception. They are both called exceptions, but they originate at different levels of the software/hardware of the system.

从技术上讲,您可以使用 SIGSEGV 的信号处理程序来捕获段错误.但是,正如 Ivaylo 解释的那样,如果您遇到段错误,通常不允许重试".SIGSEGV 的信号处理程序允许 longjmpexit,但不应只返回.

Technically, you can catch segfaults with a signal handler for SIGSEGV. However, as Ivaylo explains, it's is not, typically, allowed to just "try again" if you get a segfault. The signal hander for SIGSEGV is allowed to longjmp or exit, but shouldn't just return.


Read more about signals here: http://www.alexonlinux.com/signal-handling-in-linux

可以毫无问题地重试典型的 C++ 异常(throw 的结果)(当然,同样的异常当然可能会再次抛出.

Typical C++ exceptions (result of throw) can be retried without problem (of course, the same exception may be thrown again, of course.
