如何将图标添加到 MFC 功能区按钮

我使用 Visual C++ 2010 创建了一个带有功能区的 MFC 应用程序.我已向此功能区添加按钮,但我不知道如何向这些按钮添加图像.我尝试从项目中编辑 writelarge.bmp 文件,并在这些按钮上设置图像索引,但现在功能区图标看起来非常难看.除了从项目中编辑 writelarge.bmp 文件之外,是否有一种简单的方法可以将图标添加到功能区图像?

I created with Visual C++ 2010 a MFC application with ribbon. I have added buttons to this ribbon, but I do not know how to add images to these buttons. I tried editing writelarge.bmp file from the project, and setting the index of image on these buttons, but now the ribbon icons looks very ugly. Is there an easy way to add icons to ribbon images, other than editing writelarge.bmp file from the project?


您可以为每个 RibbonCategory 仅使用一个文件.

You have the possibility to use only one file for each RibbonCategory.

  1. 创建您的 png 文件(例如 32x256)

  1. Create your png file (32x256 for instance)


始终在资源视图中,选择您的 RibbonCategory 并将大图像"属性设置为您的 PNG 资源标识符(如 IDB_MYMENU_PNG).

Always in the Resource View, select your RibbonCategory and set the "Large Images" property to your PNG resource identifier (like IDB_MYMENU_PNG).

我在使用 bmp 格式时也有很多问题(图像不可见,透明度被删除,...),这就是我推荐 png 格式的原因.

I also have many issues using bmp format (image not visible, transparency deleted, ...) that's why I recommand the png format.

为了在同一类别中使用原始图像和自定义图像,我创建了一个合并两者的 png 文件.

In order to use original and custom images in the same category, I created a png file which is a merge of both.
