如何在 Release 模式下启用 TRACE 宏?

2022-01-12 00:00:00 trace macros mfc

TRACE 宏 可用于在 Debug 模式下编译代码时向调试器输出诊断消息.我在 Release 模式下需要相同的消息.有没有办法做到这一点?

The TRACE macro can be used to output diagnostic messages to the debugger when the code is compiled in Debug mode. I need the same messages while in Release mode. Is there a way to achieve this?

(请不要浪费您的时间讨论为什么我不应该在发布模式下使用 TRACE :-)

(Please do not waste your time discussing why I should not be using TRACE in Release mode :-)


其实TRACE宏比OutputDebugString灵活很多.它需要一个 printf() 样式的格式字符串和参数列表,而 OutputDebugString 只需要一个字符串.为了在发布模式下实现完整的 TRACE 功能,您需要执行以下操作:

Actually, the TRACE macro is a lot more flexible than OutputDebugString. It takes a printf() style format string and parameter list whereas OutputDebugString just takes a single string. In order to implement the full TRACE functionality in release mode you need to do something like this:

void trace(const char* format, ...)
   char buffer[1000];

   va_list argptr;
   va_start(argptr, format);
   wvsprintf(buffer, format, argptr);

