VC 2015 U3 - 断言使应用程序崩溃

2022-01-12 00:00:00 c++ mfc visual-studio-2015

VS 14.0.25431.01 更新 3

VS 14.0.25431.01 Update 3

Windows 10 - 10.0.10240 内部版本 10240

Windows 10 - 10.0.10240 Build 10240


  1. 创建一个新的 MFC 应用程序.
  2. 例如在CAboutDlg::CAboutDlg中添加ASSERT(0).
  3. 构建调试版本.
  4. 在不调试的情况下运行 (Ctrl + F5).
  5. 点击关于 -> 程序静默中止
  6. 开始调试 (F5)
  7. 点击关于 -> 断点对话框.
  1. Create a new MFC application.
  2. Add ASSERT( 0 ), in CAboutDlg::CAboutDlg, for instance.
  3. Build debug version.
  4. Run without debugging (Ctrl + F5).
  5. Click About -> The program is silently ABORTED
  6. Start debugging (F5)
  7. Click About -> Breakpoint dialog.

Microsoft 已根据设计"关闭了该错误:根据对所提供信息的审查,我们已将此问题作为设计"解决.我们无法在此处识别出任何意外行为."

Microsoft has closed the bug as "by design": "Based upon review of the information provided, we have resolved this issue as "By Design". We cannot identify anything here that is unexpected behavior."

在 Win7 上运行良好.

Works fine with Win7.


我发现 __acrt_get_developer_information_policy() 正在返回 developer_information_policy_none 而不是预期的 developer_information_policy_ui (请参阅 common_show_message_box 中的 crtmbox.cpp),但我不知道如何更改它.

I've found that __acrt_get_developer_information_policy() is returning developer_information_policy_none instead of expected developer_information_policy_ui (see common_show_message_box in crtmbox.cpp), but I have no clue on how to change it.

请参阅此链接 和这个 一个,在 Microsoft Connect.

See this link and this one, at Microsoft Connect.

最新的 Windows 10 SDK 解决了我机器上的问题.所有功劳都归于 cubee_72(MS 帐户).

The latest Windows 10 SDK has fixed the problem on my machines. All credit goes to cubee_72 (MS account).

最新的 SDK 仅解决了 Ctrl+F5 的问题.如果调试器存在,仍然会显示断点对话框,而不是断言对话框.

The latest SDK solved the problem for Ctrl+F5, only. If the debugger is present, still the breakpoint dialog, instead of the assert dialog, is displayed.

MS 已删除我的错误报告.

MS has deleted my bug reports.



我遇到了同样的问题,发现它已在最新版本的 Windows 10 SDK(版本 10.0.15063.0)中得到修复,可以从下载/windows-10-sdk

I had the same issue and found out it has been fixed in the latest version of the Windows 10 SDK (version 10.0.15063.0) which can be downloaded from
