在 Linux 上运行 MFC 程序

2022-01-12 00:00:00 qt c++ stl mfc

我有一个相当大的基于 MFC 的程序.我的任务是让它在 Linux 上运行.我已经解释过,这将需要将程序重写为带有 STL 的直接 C++(更多工作)或 Qt/C++(更少工作).现在有人告诉我,我需要编写包装器以使每个 MFC 类在 Linux 中工作,并使用预处理器指令仅编译 Linux 或 Windows 中需要的内容.我解释说我们的通信断开了,我认为这比从头开始重写整个项目(我不必这样做来转换为 Qt)要多.

I have a rather large MFC based program. I have been tasked to get it running on Linux. I have explained that this will require a re-write of the program either into straight C++ with STL (more work), or into Qt/C++ (less work). I am now told that I need to write wrappers to get every MFC class working in Linux and use preprocessor directives to only compile what is needed in either Linux or Windows. I explained that we are having a communication disconnect and that I believed this to be more work than rewriting the entire project from scratch (which I would not have to do to convert to Qt).


Any good arguments out there to help explain this issue? Am I wrong?


如果您不想完全重写,可以尝试针对 Winelib.大多数事情应该可以正常工作,然后由于您有源代码,您可以解决没有的部分.

If you don't want a full rewrite, you could try compiling against Winelib. Most things should just work and then since you have the source, you can work around the parts that don't.
