
2022-01-12 00:00:00 c++ mfc

我正在开发一个需要出色 UI 的 Windows 桌面应用程序.我现在使用 Visual Studio 和 MFC.后来听说DirectUI技术是一个很好的解决方案,但是我找不到一些关于DirectUI"的文章.能不能给点技术DirectUI"上的点?是否可以实现 DirectUI 库以供将来使用?谢谢.

I am working on a windows desktop application which needs a great UI. I use Visual studio and MFC now. Then heard of DirectUI technology is a good solution, but I can not find some articles on "DirectUI". Can you give me some tech. points on "DirectUI" ? If it's possible to implement a DirectUI library for future use? Thanks.


公司希望将他们的产品或技术命名为DirectUI",这并不奇怪,它被微软的 Messenger、Windows XP、Office、IE 和 Windows Media Player 普及产品.然而,还有其他旧名称可用于描述行为,例如无窗口和代码隐藏,这可能会在其他成熟、经过良好测试的 UI 组件中看到.

It is not surprising that companies want to name their product or technologies as "DirectUI", popularized by Microsoft's Messenger, Windows XP, Office, IE and Windows Media Player products. However there are other old names that can be used to describe the behavior, such as windowless and code behind, which may be seen in other mature, well-tested UI components.

Microsoft 提供了很多 UI 框架,例如 WPF、Silverlight、Windows Forms、MFC 和 ATL.在各种 Windows 可访问性和自动化文档和招聘广告中,DirectUI 被认为与 Windows 窗体、WPF 和 Silverlight 具有同等地位.但是,考虑到每个版本的 DUI.dll 和 DUser.dll 都进行了多少更改,Microsoft 中名为 DirectUI 的库似乎无法用于第三方.(更新:Windows 8 为程序员打开了 DirectUI 的大门)

There are a lot of UI frameworks from Microsoft, like WPF, Silverlight, Windows Forms, MFC and ATL. In various windows accessibility and automation documentations and job advertisements, DirectUI is referenced to be having equal status with Windows Forms, WPF and Silverlight. However it looks like the library called DirectUI in Microsoft won't be usable for third-party, given how much change are made in each version of DUI.dll and DUser.dll. (Update: Windows 8 opens the door to DirectUI for programmers)

有第三方以 DirectUI 的名义宣传非常不同的产品,从诺基亚的 Meego Touch 到各种基于 GDI 的类库,这些类库甚至是窗口化的,不应该被称为DirectUI".但是,DirectX 程序员可能会选择 DirectX 来提高性能并使用高度复杂的游戏引擎,而不是使用 UI 类库开销.在商业产品领域,WPF、Silverlight 和 IE 的三叉戟引擎用于无窗口、代码隐藏编程,但 windows、基于 GDI 的 MFC 可能工作得很好,因为花哨的 UI 不是商业用户的卖点.以 Visual Studio 产品为例,有多少程序员愿意为 3D 动画付出更多,甚至考虑免费主题下载?

There are third-party who advertise very different products under the DirectUI name, from Nokia's Meego Touch to various GDI-based class libraries which are even windowed and should not be branded "DirectUI". However, DirectX programmers are likely to choose DirectX for performance and use highly sophisticated game engines instead of having a UI class library overhead. In the area of business products, WPF, Silverlight and IE's trident engine are used for windowless, code behind programming, but windows, GDI-based MFC may just work fine, as the fancy UI is not a selling point to business users. Think about the visual studio product for an example, how many programmers would pay more to get 3d animation or even think about free theme downloads?
