如何将 LONG 转换为 CString?

2022-01-12 00:00:00 winapi casting c++ mfc

我想将 long 转换为 cstring.

I want to cast a long to a cstring.


I've been struggling with this for a while and I've seen so many variants of solving this problem, more or less riddled with hassle and angst.

我知道这个问题看起来很主观,但在我看来确实不应该.当情况涉及 MFC 和这些情况附带的标准库时,必须有一种方法被认为是最好的.

I know the question seems subjective, but it really shouldn't be in my opinion. There must be a way considered to be the best when the circumstances involve MFC and the standard libs that come with those circumstances.

我正在寻找一种行之有效的单线解决方案.有点像 C# 中的 long.ToString().

I'm looking for a one-line solution that just works. Sort of like long.ToString() in C#.



long myLong=0;
CString s;

// Your one line solution is below
