
我正在多语言环境中构建 C++/MFC 程序.我有一种主要(国家)语言和三种国际语言.每次我向程序添加功能时,我都必须使国际语言与国内语言保持同步.Visual Studio 中的资源编辑器不是很有帮助,因为我经常会留下未翻译的字符串、对话框等.

I'm building a C++/MFC program in a multilingual environment. I have one main (national) language and three international languages. Every time I add a feature to the program I have to keep the international languages up-to-date with the national one. The resource editor in Visual Studio is not very helpful because I frequently end up leaving a string, dialog box, etc., untranslated.


I wonder if you guys know of a program that can edit resource (.rc) files and

  • 构建一个仅包含要翻译的字符串及其各自 ID 的文件,并接受其他语言的相同(或相似)文件(这会很有帮助,因为通常翻译是由其他人完成的),或者
  • 自行处理翻译,允许同时查看不同语言的相同字符串.


你可以看看 Sisulizer http://www.sisulizer.com.虽然很贵.我们正在评估它是否可以在我的公司使用,以管理正在进行的翻译的头痛.我在他们的关于页面上读到该公司是由离开 Multilizer 和其他类似公司的人创立的.

You might take a look at Sisulizer http://www.sisulizer.com. Expensive though. We're evaluating it for use at my company to manage the headache of ongoing translation. I read on their About page that the company was founded by people who left Multilizer and other similar companies.
