是否有 C++/Win32/MFC(如 Sparkle)的自动更新框架?

2022-01-12 00:00:00 winapi c++ mfc auto-update


I've decided to add auto-update functionality to one of my applications and was looking for any existing solutions that compare the current running version with the latest version that is then downloaded from the web.

我知道 Mac OSX 上的 Sparkle 非常好用且功能强大,但想知道是否有类似的东西对于 Win32/MFC?

I know Sparkle on Mac OSX which is very nice and powerful, but was wondering whether there is something similar for Win32/MFC?


我只是偶然发现 WinSparkle 这是一个早期的阶段,但看起来很有希望.

I just stumpled accross WinSparkle which is an early stage but looks very promising.
