我可以将 MFC 支持添加到现有 ATL COM 项目吗

2022-01-12 00:00:00 windows com c++ mfc atl

我使用 ATL COM Object 创建了一个 Shell 扩展.但是在创建过程中我没有添加 MFC 支持.我现在可以更改设置以添加 MFC 支持吗

I have created a Shell Extension using ATL COM Object . But during creation I haven't added MFC support. Can I change the setting now to add MFC support


是的,但我相信这样做不会自动添加所有必需的标头和#defines - 当然,您可以先尝试一下,然后检查为了确定.

Yes, but I believe that doing this won't auto-add all the required headers and #defines - of course, you could try this first, and check to be sure.

如果这不起作用,您可以使用文件->新建->现有代码中的项目"在您的解决方案中创建一个新项目,该项目同时使用 MFC 和 ATL,使用原始项目中的代码.您必须包含当前仅 ATL 版本中的任何自定义设置,但如果您在新项目中创建新的预编译头文件,它应该具有您需要打开并包含的所有 MFC 和 ATL 位.

If that does not work, you could use 'File->New->Project from Existing Code' to create a new project in your solution that uses both MFC and ATL, using the code in your original project. You would have to include any custom settings from your current ATL-only version, but if you let a new precompiled header be created in the new project, it should have all the MFC and ATL bits you need turned on and included.
