为什么#pragma optimize("", off)

2022-01-12 00:00:00 visual-studio c++ mfc

我正在审查一个 C++ MFC 项目.在一些文件的开头有这样一行:

I'm reviewing a C++ MFC project. At the beginning of some of the files there is this line:

#pragma optimize("", off)


I get that this turns optimization off for all following functions. But what would the motivation typically be for doing so?



I've seen production code which is correct but so complicated that it confuses the optimiser into producing incorrect output. This could be the reason to turn optimisations off.


However, I'd consider it much more likely that the code is simply buggy, having Undefined Behaviour. The optimiser exposes that and leads to incorrect runtime behaviour or crashes. Without optimisations, the code happens to "work." And rather than find and remove the underlying problem, someone "fixed" it by disabling optimisations and leaving it at that.


Of course, this is about as fragile and workarounds can get. New hardware, new OS patch, new compiler patch, any of these can break such a "fix."


Even if the pragma is there for the first reason, it should be heavily documented.
