在 CString 中查找以空格分隔的单词的最佳方法

2022-01-12 00:00:00 c++ mfc

示例:从 x = 1 的地方选择 *"


I want to find the whitespace-delimited "where", but not the "where" within "somewhere". In the example "where" is delimited by spaces, but it could be carriage returns, tabs etc.


Note: I know regex would make it easy to do (the regex equivalent would be "where"), but I don't want to add a regex library to my project just to do this.


如果你想使用纯 MFC 的字符串操作方法,那么应该可以:

If you wanted to use the pure MFC method of string manipulation, then this should work:

CString strSql = _T("select * from somewhere where x = 1");

int nTokenPos = 0;
CString strToken = strSql.Tokenize(_T(" 
	"), nTokenPos);

while (!strToken.IsEmpty())
    if (strToken.Trim().CompareNoCase(_T("where")) == 0)
        return TRUE; // found
    strToken = strSql.Tokenize(_T(" 
	"), nTokenPos);

return FALSE; // not found
