
2022-01-12 00:00:00 button text c++ mfc

我在 MFC 对话窗口中有一个按钮和文本控件,当我单击按钮时,必须替换编辑控件,例如 "hello world".

I have a button and text control in MFC dialog window, when I click on button, in edit control must be replaced for example "hello world".
but if I write

edit="hello wordl"



首先您应该添加一个要编辑的变量.要做到这一点,请右键单击编辑并在 Add Member variable Wizard<中选择 Add Variable.../code> 将类别从 Control 更改为 Value 之后,在变量名称字段中键入一个名称,如 m_EditValue 然后单击完成.从现在您可以只需通过以下代码更改编辑控件.

First you should add a variable to edit.To do that right click on the edit and choose Add Variable... in Add Member variable Wizard change Category from Control to Value after that in the Variable name field type a name like m_EditValue then click finish.from now you can change the Edit Control simply by following code.

   void CAboutDlg::OnBnClickedButton1()
        // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
        m_EditValue = L"Hello World";
