MFC C++ 后台线程

2022-01-12 00:00:00 c++ mfc background-thread

我正在制作一个 MFC(文档/视图)应用程序,我希望它在后台持续监听设备何时连接,然后自动复制设备上的文件,而无需用户交互或暂停/打扰什么他们在做.

I am making an MFC (document/view) application and I want it to constantly listen in the background for when a device is connected and then automatically copy the files on the device without the user needing to interact or pause/disturb what they are doing.


Is creating a worker thread the same as having a background thread? Would I create it as a function in the document file or as a separate class?



是的,它们就像一个普通的后台线程,你有一个获取参数的函数,然后你可以进入你的监听循环.我会把这个函数放在单独的类中,也许是单例类的形式,这样你就可以轻松地启动/停止你的设备监听器.如果您需要将此工作线程的进度信息发送到 GUI,请使用 PostMessage 到您的 GUI 窗口.

Yes, they behave as a normal background threads, you have a function that gets parameter, and then you can enter your listener loop. I would put this function in separate class, maybe in a form of a singleton class, this way you can easily start/stop your device listener. If you would ever need to send information of progress from this worker thread to GUI, use PostMessage to you GUI windows.

MSDN 一如既往地提供大量文档:

as always MSDN provides tons of documentation:
