
2022-01-12 00:00:00 winapi mfc

我是 mfc 的新手,我对如何获取当前操作系统语言感到震惊(例如:如果是英文操作系统,我必须获取它,因为英语和语言环境可能不同.对于英语操作系统语言环境可以是日语反之亦然).

I am newbie to mfc, and I got struck over how to get the current operating system language (Ex: If it is English operating system I must get it as English and locale can be different. For English OS locale can be Japanese vice versa).

当前语言环境我通过 GetSystemDefaultLangID 获得它,我唯一剩下的就是我需要获得当前的操作系统语言.

Current locale I am getting it through GetSystemDefaultLangID and the only thing I was left with is I need to get the current operating system language.


Can anyone kindly help me to resolve this issue.



Perhaps you need GetUserDefaultUILanguage. The system's settings and user settings may not be the same.


int wmain()
    wcout << "GetUserDefaultUILanguage:   " << GetUserDefaultUILanguage() << "
    wcout << "GetSystemDefaultUILanguage: " << GetSystemDefaultUILanguage() << "
    wcout << "
    wcout << "GetUserDefaultLangID:       " << GetUserDefaultLangID() << "
    wcout << "GetSystemDefaultLangID:     " << GetSystemDefaultLangID() << "
    wcout << "
    wcout << "GetUserDefaultLCID:         " << GetUserDefaultLCID() << "
    wcout << "GetSystemDefaultLCID:       " << GetSystemDefaultLCID() << "
    wcout << "

    wchar_t buf[100];
    LCID lcid = GetUserDefaultLCID();
    cout << "GetUserDefaultLCID: " << "
    if (GetLocaleInfo(lcid, LOCALE_ILANGUAGE, buf, 100)) wcout << buf << "
    if (GetLocaleInfo(lcid, LOCALE_SENGLANGUAGE, buf, 100))  wcout << buf << "
    if (GetLocaleInfo(lcid, LOCALE_SISO639LANGNAME, buf, 100)) wcout << buf << "

    return 0;
