#error WINDOWS.H 已包含在内.MFC 应用程序不得#include <windows.h>

2022-01-12 00:00:00 windows c++ mfc

我收到 #error WINDOWS.H 已包含在内.MFC 应用程序不得#include windows.h但我不知道我怎么知道这是因为哪个文件发生的

I am getting #error WINDOWS.H already included. MFC apps must not #include windows.h But i dont know how do i find out because of which file this is happening



尝试在项目设置(C/C++ -> 高级)中打开显示包含".这个节目给你一个指示,包括哪些头文件以及以什么顺序 - 你应该能够从那里追溯

Try turning on "Show Includes" in the projects settings (C/C++ -> Advanced). This show give you an indication of what header files are included and in what order - you should be able to trace back from there
