如何在基于 MFC 对话框的应用程序中使用计时器?

2022-01-12 00:00:00 c c++ mfc

我正在 Visual Studio 2008 中开发基于 MFC 对话框的应用程序.我想使用在应用程序启动时启动并继续运行并调用执行我的任务的函数的计时器?我该怎么做?

I am developing MFC Dialog based application in Visual Studio 2008. I want to use timer that start on start of the application and continue to run and calls a function that performs my task? How can I do this?



只需使用 SetTimer 方法,并传递两个参数:Timer ID(任意数字)和超时时间(以毫秒为单位).然后编写 OnTimer 实现,以及 BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP...END_MESSAGE_MAP 中的条目 ON_WM_TIMER.

Just use SetTimer method, and pass two arguments: Timer ID (any number), and the timeout in milliseconds. Then write up OnTimer implementation, and an entry ON_WM_TIMER inside BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP...END_MESSAGE_MAP.

CWnd::SetTimer需要 3 个参数,但只需要 2 个.将第三个参数作为 NULL 传递.

CWnd::SetTimer takes 3 parameters, but only 2 are required. Pass third argument as NULL.

