windows.h 和 MFC

2022-01-12 00:00:00 c++ mfc afx

为什么我不能在 afx(MFC) 项目中包含 windows.h?

Why can't I include windows.h in afx(MFC) projects?


通常,MFC 应用程序代码包括 afx.hafxwin.h(后者包括前者).windows.h 的前两行是

Typically, MFC application code includes afx.h or afxwin.h (the latter includes former). First two lines of windows.h are

#ifndef _WINDOWS_
#define _WINDOWS_

这意味着如果包含此标头,则定义 _WINDOWS_.Afx.h 包含 afxver_.h 且此标头包含 afxv_w32.h 包含以下代码:

which means that _WINDOWS_ becomes defined if this header is included. Afx.h includes afxver_.h and this header includes afxv_w32.h which contains following code:

#ifdef _WINDOWS_
    #error WINDOWS.H already included. MFC apps must not #include <windows.h>
#include <windows.h>

因此,如果您在 MFC 头文件之前包含 windows.h,您将在编译时生成此错误,并且如您所见,如果您包含 afxwin.h 你不需要自己包含 windows.h - afxv_w32.h 已经包含了它.

So, if you include windows.h before MFC headers, you'll get this error generated in compile time and, as you can see, if you include afxwin.h you don't need to include windows.h yourself - it will already be included by afxv_w32.h.
