
2022-01-12 00:00:00 crash c++


I'm currently testing an application that my company wrote. One of the scenarios was to see what happens to the system state if that application was to crash. Is there an application out there that could force crash my application? I'd rather not write a crash into the code itself (ie. null pointer dereference). Using the task manager to kill the process doesn't yield the same results.



Assuming Windows, see Application Verifier.

它可以进行故障注入(低资源模拟),以可配置的速率使各种 API 调用失败.例如.堆分配、虚拟分配、WaitForXxx、注册表 API、文件系统 API 等.

It can do fault injection (Low Resource Simulation) that makes various API calls fail, at configurable rates. E.g. Heap allocations, Virtual Alloc, WaitForXxx, Registry APIs, Filesystem APIs, and more.


You can even specify a grace period (in milliseconds) when no faults will be injected during startup.
