使用 mfc 的动态菜单

2022-01-12 00:00:00 c++ mfc

我想在我的主菜单中添加一个菜单项,然后在运行时用项目填充它.我该怎么做?除了添加项目之外,由于我不知道 id,我如何为它们提供消息映射条目?

I would like to add a menu item to my main menu and then populate it with items at run time. How would I do this? And besides adding items how would I have a message map entry for them since I do not know the id?


你可以像这样动态创建一个 CMenu 对象:

You can create a CMenu object dynamically like this:

CMenu *menu = new CMenu;
// Add items to the menu
menu->AppendMenu(MF_STRING, menuItemID, "Text");


Then add this sub-menu to your main menu:

wnd->GetMenu()->AppendMenu(MF_POPUP, (UINT_PTR)menu->m_hMenu, "Menu Name");

关于消息映射,假设你所有的菜单项 ID 都在一定范围内,你可以使用 ON_COMMAND_RANGE 将整个范围映射到单个函数.该函数会接收ID作为参数,在函数内部可以根据ID进行不同的操作.

As for the message map, assuming all your menu item IDs are within a certain range, you can use ON_COMMAND_RANGE to map the entire range to a single function. This function will receive the ID as a parameter, and within the function, you can perform different operations based on the ID.
