当我输入一个字符时,getch 返回 2 个字符

当我使用 getch 时,它总是在读取的字符后面附加一个空字符.

When I use getch, it always appends the caracter read with a null character.


#include "stdafx.h"
#include <conio.h>

int main()
    char c = 0;

    while (c != 'x')
        c = _getch();
        printf("Char read: <%c> 
", c);


It returns the follwing on the console, when I press the keys "asdx":

Char read: <a>
Char read: < >
Char read: <s>
Char read: < >
Char read: <d>
Char read: < >
Char read: <x>

这是在 VS 2017 中编译的一个普通的新单文件项目,在 Windows 10 控制台窗口上运行.我尝试删除 _UNICODE 和 UNICODE 定义.

This is compiled in VS 2017 in a plain new single file project, running on a windows 10 console window. I tried removing the _UNICODE and UNICODE define.



这是 Windows 中的一个(相当新的)错误.

It's a (rather new) bug in windows.


"使用 _getch() 函数构建控制台应用程序时每次按键突然返回两次"

"When building a console application using the _getch() function suddenly returns two times for each keypress"


" 感谢您报告此问题!这将在未来的窗口中修复更新."

" Thanks for reporting this! This will be fixed on a future windows update."

更新:如上面的链接所述,将运行时设置为 静态链接 与 C 运行时的先前版本 将解决问题,但您需要确保所有相关项目(例如,如果您正在构建库)也使用相同的运行时.(我测试过)

UPDATE: As stated in the link above, setting the runtime to statically link with a previous version of the C runtime will fix the issue, but you need to make sure all your related projects (if you are building a library, for example) also use the same runtime. (I tested it)
