如何安装 Windows 10 SDK 以用于 Visual Studio 2017

我不知道如何为 Visual Studio 2017 安装 Windows 10 SDK.

I can't figure out how to install Windows 10 SDK for Visual Studio 2017.

我下载并运行了 Windows 10 SDK 安装程序,它显示 请在 ....Windows kits10WindowsSDK 中找到 winsdksetup.exe 以安装 Windows 软件开发工具包 - Windows 10.0.17134.12.

I downloaded and ran the Windows 10 SDK installer, and it displays Please find winsdksetup.exe in ....Windows kits10WindowsSDK to install Windows Software Development Kit - Windows 10.0.17134.12.

当我运行 winsdksetup.exe 时,它会带我通过相同的循环,将一堆可执行安装程序下载到此目录并显示相同的确切消息.

When I run winsdksetup.exe, it takes me through the same loop, where it downloads a bunch of executable installers into this directory and show the same exact message.

当我尝试在 VS2017 中构建 DirectX 项目时,出现错误:

When I try to build a DirectX project in VS2017, I get the error:

MSB8036 The Windows SDK version 10.0.16299.0 was not found. Install the required version of Windows SDK or change the SDK version in the project property pages or by right-clicking the solution and selecting "Retarget solution".    

我需要安装其中一个安装程序吗?我需要运行哪一个来为 Visual Studio 构建和调试 DirectX 项目?专门用VS2017的shader调试功能.

Do I need to install one of those installers? Which one do I need to run to build and debug DirectX projects for Visual Studio? Specifically to use VS2017 shader debugging functionality.



Under VS2017 - Tools -> Get Tools and Features I have checked

使用 C++ 进行游戏开发

Game Development with C++

在 Optional 下我有

and under Optional I have

C++ 分析工具Windows 10 SDK (10.0.17134.0)

C++ Profiling tools Windows 10 SDK (10.0.17134.0)

我正在下载 16299.0,这修复了没有正确 SDK 的第一个错误.

I'm downloading 16299.0, this fixed the first error of not having the right SDK.

但现在我在调试中运行时收到运行时错误Failed Creating the Direct3D device.我仍然可以在 Release 中运行示例

But now I get the runtime error Failed Creating the Direct3D device when running in Debug. I can still run samples in Release



The error message shows which SDK you need:

未找到 Windows SDK 版本 10.0.16299.0

The Windows SDK version 10.0.16299.0 was not found

因此缺少适用于 Windows 10 Fall Creators Update 1709 的 SDK,您下载了适用于 2018 年 4 月更新(1803 Build 17134)的 SDK.

So the SDK for Windows 10 Fall Creators Update 1709 is missing and you downloaded the SDK for April 2018 Update (1803 Build 17134).

运行Visual Studio 2017安装程序(C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft Visual StudioInstallervs_installer.exe),点击modify,选择16299安装程序各个组件选项卡中 SDK/framework 下的 SDK:

Run Visual Studio 2017 installer (C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft Visual StudioInstallervs_installer.exe), click on modify, and select 16299 SDK under SDK/framework in individual components tab of the installer:
