使用 C++ 输出运算符打印前导零?

2022-01-12 00:00:00 numbers formatting c++

如何在 C++ 中格式化我的输出?换句话说,什么是 C++ 等价于使用 printf 像这样:

How can I format my output in C++? In other words, what is the C++ equivalent to the use of printf like this:

printf("%05d", zipCode);

我知道我可以在 C++ 中使用 printf,但我更喜欢输出运算符 <<.

I know I could just use printf in C++, but I would prefer the output operator <<.


std::cout << "ZIP code: " << sprintf("%05d", zipCode) << std::endl;


这可以解决问题,至少对于非负数(a) 例如邮政编码(b) 在您的问题中提到.

This will do the trick, at least for non-negative numbers(a) such as the ZIP codes(b) mentioned in your question.

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>

using namespace std;
cout << setw(5) << setfill('0') << zipCode << endl;

// or use this if you don't like 'using namespace std;'
std::cout << std::setw(5) << std::setfill('0') << zipCode << std::endl;

控制填充的最常见的 IO 操纵器是:

The most common IO manipulators that control padding are:

  • std::setw(width) 设置字段的宽度.
  • std::setfill(fillchar) 设置填充字符.
  • std::setiosflags(align) 设置对齐方式,其中 align 为 ios::left 或 ios::right.
  • std::setw(width) sets the width of the field.
  • std::setfill(fillchar) sets the fill character.
  • std::setiosflags(align) sets the alignment, where align is ios::left or ios::right.

根据您对使用 << 的偏好,我强烈建议您查看 fmt 库(请参阅 https://github.com/fmtlib/fmt).这是对我们用于格式化内容的工具包的一个很好的补充,并且比大量长度的流管道要好得多,允许您执行以下操作:

And just on your preference for using <<, I'd strongly suggest you look into the fmt library (see https://github.com/fmtlib/fmt). This has been a great addition to our toolkit for formatting stuff and is much nicer than massively length stream pipelines, allowing you to do things like:

cout << fmt::format("{:05d}", zipCode);

目前 LEWG 也将其作为 C++20 的目标,这意味着它有望成为该语言的基础部分(或者几乎可以肯定以后,如果它不完全潜入的话).

And it's currently being targeted by LEWG toward C++20 as well, meaning it will hopefully be a base part of the language at that point (or almost certainly later if it doesn't quite sneak in).


(a) If you do need to handle negative numbers, you can use std::internal as follows:

cout << internal << setw(5) << setfill('0') << zipCode << endl;


This places the fill character between the sign and the magnitude.

(b) 这(所有邮政编码都是非负数")是我的一个假设,但一个相当安全的假设,我保证 :-)

(b) This ("all ZIP codes are non-negative") is an assumption on my part but a reasonably safe one, I'd warrant :-)
