
2022-01-11 00:00:00 windows drag-and-drop c++


as in winamp or vlc player, how to do a file drag and drop? i mean i want to know what sort of coding goes into application? i want to know for c++


在 Windows 上的纯 C/C++ 中,开始阅读 DragAcceptFiles 函数和 WM_DROPFILES 消息.如果您使用的是更强大的 C++ 库(Qt、Wx 等),请查看它们各自的文档.更具体地说,了解您使用什么会有所帮助.

In pure C/C++ on Windows, start reading about the DragAcceptFiles function and the WM_DROPFILES message. If you're using a more powerful C++ library (Qt, Wx, etc) check their respective documentation. It would help to know what you use, more specifically.


Also, this discussion may answer your question. If it's what you meant, please close this question.
