是否有任何宏来确定我的代码是否正在编译到 Windows?

2022-01-11 00:00:00 operating-system c c++ c-preprocessor

我想检测我正在编译的操作系统是否是 Windows.有没有我可以检查的简单宏来验证这一点?

I would like to detect whether the OS I'm compiling on is Windows. Is there a simple macro I can check to verify that?


一些编译器提供宏来指示 Windows 构建环境.但这些会因编译器而异,甚至在 Windows 上的相同编译器上,如果目标环境是 不是 专门的 windows.通常是 __WIN32__,但并非总是如此.

Some compilers offer macros to indicate a Windows build environment. But these will vary from compiler to compiler, and even on the same compiler on Windows if the target environment is not exclusively windows. Usually it's __WIN32__, but not always.

#if defined (__WIN32__)
  // Windows stuff

有时它可以是 _WIN32__CYGWIN32__,或者可能只是编译器指示符 (_MSC_VER).

Sometimes it can be _WIN32, __CYGWIN32__, or possibly just the compiler indicator (_MSC_VER).

如果您知道要构建的环境(来自 makefile),那么您通常可以在命令行中传入 #define,例如g++ -D __WIN32__ yourfile.c".

If you know the environment you'll be building in (from the makefile) then you can usually pass in the #define on the command line, like "g++ -D __WIN32__ yourfile.c".

