你能把这个调试宏从 C++ 翻译成 python 吗?

2022-01-11 00:00:00 python logging debugging macros c++

我在使用 C++ 开发时使用了这个非常有用的宏:

I use this very helpful macro when developing in C++:

#define DD(a) std::cout << #a " = [ " << a << " ]" << std::endl;std::cout.flush();

你能帮我在 python 中实现同样的想法吗?我不知道 #a 如何用 python 函数实现...

Could you help me implement the same idea in python? I don't know how the #a could be implemented with a python function...


您可以检查堆栈跟踪并解析"它.由于您知道函数的名称(在本例中为 dd),因此很容易找到调用并提取变量的名称.

You could inspect the stack trace and "parse" it. Since you know the name of your function (dd in this case) it becomes fairly easy to find the call and extract the name of the variable.

    import inspect
    import re

    def dd(value):
        calling_frame_record = inspect.stack()[1]
        frame = inspect.getframeinfo(calling_frame_record[0])
        m = re.search( "dd((.+))", frame.code_context[0])
        if m:
            print "{0} = {1}".format(m.group(1), value)

    def test():
        a = 4



a = 4
