宏优于 C++ 中的内联

2022-01-11 00:00:00 inline macros c++ c-preprocessor

我们知道内联是有利的,因为它们由编译器检查,并且与宏相比,当作为参数传递时,相同的操作(如 ++x)不会多次计算.

We know that in-line are favorable as they are checked by the compiler and same operation ( like ++x ) does not evaluate more than once when passed as an argument as compared to macros.

但在一次采访中,有人问我在 C++ 中宏更适合内联的具体优势或情况.

But in an interview I was asked the specific advantages or the circumstances when a macro is more favorable to inline in C++.


Does anyone know the answer or can give a thought on this question ?



The only thing I can think of is there are some tricks that you can do with a macro that can't be done with an inline function. Pasting tokens together at compile-time, and that sort of hackery.
