必须使用 MACRO 的极少数情况

2022-01-11 00:00:00 c macros c++


Debugging macros can take a lot of time. We are much better off avoiding them except in the very rare cases when neither constants, functions nor templates can do what we want.



如果你想要真正的文本替换,那就是你使用宏的地方.看看 Boost.Preprocessor,这是在 C++03 中模拟可变参数模板的好方法,无需过多重复.

If you want actual textual replacement, that's where you use macros. Take a look at Boost.Preprocessor, it's a great way to simulate variadic templates in C++03 without repeating yourself too much.


In other words, if you want to manipulate the program code itself, use macros.


Another useful application is assert, which is defined to be a no-op when NDEBUG is not defined (usually release mode compilation).

这将我们带到下一点,这是第一个的特化:不同的代码具有不同的编译模式,或者在不同的编译器之间.如果你想要交叉编译器支持,你就离不开宏.总体上看一下 Boost,由于它必须支持的各种编译器的各种缺陷,它一直都需要宏.

That brings us to the next point, which is a specialization of the first one: Different code with different compilation modes, or between different compilers. If you want cross-compiler support, you can't get away without macros. Take a look at Boost in general, it needs macros all the time because of various deficiencies in various compilers it has to support.


Another important point is when you need call-site information without wanting to bug the user of your code. You have no way to automatically get that with just a function.

#define NEEDS_INFO() 
  has_info(__FILE__, __LINE__, __func__)

带有适当的 has_info 声明(和 C++11/C99 __func__ 或类似的).

With a suitable declaration of has_info (and C++11/C99 __func__ or similar).
