Python 设置的无序是否可以被视为随机序?

2022-01-17 00:00:00 python random set shuffle


我想知道 Python 内置 set 结构中缺少元素排序是否足够随机".例如,取一个集合的迭代器,是否可以将其视为其元素的混洗视图?

I'd like to know if the absence of element ordering of the Python's built-in set structure is "random enough". For instance, taking the iterator of a set, can it be considered a shuffled view of its elements?

(如果重要的话,我在 Windows 主机上运行 Python 2.6.5.)

(If it matters, I'm running Python 2.6.5 on a Windows host.)



No, it is not random. It is "arbitrarily ordered", which means that you cannot depend on it being either ordered or random.
