
2022-01-11 00:00:00 c inline macros c++



What is the the real concept of inline function.


i really unable to understand the inline function.


why & where should i use inline function? How it is differ from normal function?

Edit: what is difference between macro & inline function? 



The main language difference between an inline and a non-inline function is that inline functions are exempt from the one-definition rule, provided all definitions are the same.

这是 C++ 的一个关键特性,因为它允许您在类定义中编写成员函数定义,并且仍然能够将类定义包含在头文件中.

This is a crucial feature for C++, since it allows you to write member function definitions inside class definitions and still be able to include the class definition in a header file.


// stupid.h
#ifndef H_STUPID
#define H_STUPID

int foo() { return 8; }



stupid.h,则它是不可用的,因为您最终会得到 foo 的多个定义.使声明 inline 可以让您解决这个问题.将相同的逻辑应用于类定义(请记住,内联定义的所有成员函数都隐式声明为 inline),这允许我们这样写:

stupid.h is not usable if you have to include it more than once, because you'll end up with multiple definitions of foo. Making the declaration inline lets you get around this problem. Applying the same logic to a class definition (remember that all member functions that are defined inline are implicitly declared inline), this allows us to write this:

// works.h
#ifndef H_WORKS
#define H_WORKS

class Foo
  int n;
  void f() { n *= 2; }        // implicitly inline!
  int g() const { return n; } // ditto


我们可以在任意数量的翻译单元中包含works.h,并且对于Foo::fFoo::g 没有多重定义"错误,因为它们(隐式)声明为内联.

We can include works.h in as many translation units as we like, and there's no "multiple definition" error for Foo::f and Foo::g, because those are (implicitly) declared inline.

当然,inline 也可以作为提示编译器用函数体的副本替换函数调用,但是编译器可以选择做或不做,这与是否你声明了一个函数inline.

Of course inline also serves as a hint to the compiler to replace function calls by copies of the function body, but the compiler can choose to do or not do that pretty much independent of whether or not you declare a function inline.
