在 C++ 程序中包含 C 头文件

2022-01-11 00:00:00 c header c++ header-files

我有一个 C++ 程序 (.cpp),我希望在其中使用 C 头文件中的一些函数,例如 stdio.h、conio.h、stdlib.h、graphics.h、设备.h等

I have a C++ program (.cpp) inside which I wish to use some of the functions which are present inside the C header files such as stdio.h, conio.h, stdlib.h, graphics.h, devices.h etc.

我可以在我的 cpp 文件中包含 stdio.h 库:#include <cstdio>.如何包含其他库文件?

I could include the stdio.h library inside my cpp file as : #include <cstdio>. How do I include the other library files?

如何添加 graphics.h 库?

How do I add the graphics.h library?

我使用的是 Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0 企业版和 Turbo C++ 3.0.

I'm using Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0 Enterprise Edition and also Turbo C++ 3.0.


对于 C 标准 C 头文件(stdio、stdlib、assert、...)的列表,在前面加上 c 并删除 .h.例如 stdio.h 变成 cstdio.

For a list of C standard C headers (stdio, stdlib, assert, ...), prepend a c and remove the .h. For example stdio.h becomes cstdio.


For other headers, use

extern "C"
  #include "other_header.h"
