
2022-01-11 00:00:00 header constants c++ primitive-types


In the code review process, one of my coworkers mentioned to me that "const"s in front of "primitive types" used as a function parameter in a header is meaningless, and he recommended to remove these "const"s. He suggested using "const" only in the source file in such cases. Primitive types mean types such as "int", "char", "float", etc.



int ProcessScore(const int score);


int ProcessScore(const int score) {
  // Do some calculation using score
  return some_value;



int ProcessScore(int score);  // const is removed here.


int ProcessScore(const int score) {
  // Do some calculation using score
  return some_value;


But I'm somewhat confused. Usually, the user will look at only the header, so if there is inconsistency between the header and the source file, it might cause confusion.



对于所有类型(不仅仅是原语),函数声明中的顶级 const限定符是忽略.所以下面四个都声明了同一个函数:

For all types (not just primitives), the top level const qualifiers in the function declaration are ignored. So the following four all declare the same function:

void foo(int const i, int const j);
void foo(int i, int const j);
void foo(int const i, int j);
void foo(int i, int j);

然而,在函数 body 中不会忽略 const 限定符.在那里它可能对 const 正确性产生影响.但这是该功能的实现细节.所以普遍的共识是这样的:

The const qualifier isn't ignored inside the function body, however. There it can have impact on const correctness. But that is an implementation detail of the function. So the general consensus is this:

  1. 将 const 排除在声明之外.它只是杂乱无章,不会影响客户端调用函数的方式.

  1. Leave the const out of the declaration. It's just clutter, and doesn't affect how clients will call the function.

如果您希望编译器捕获对参数的任何意外修改,请将 const 留在定义中.

Leave the const in the definition if you wish for the compiler to catch any accidental modification of the parameter.
